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‘Face the Attack: The Three Battles of Sailor Malan’, is a 6 episode podcast series, with ongoing bonus content and updates.
In the last world war of the 20th century, a farm boy from the rugged bushland of South Africa took to the bloody skies over Europe during World War Two and made history. Considered the 'greatest fighter pilot', embraced as a ‘hero’ and ‘King of The Few’ by the embattled island of Britain and its King, but viewed as a traitor by many in his own country.
Born in 1910 in Wellington, South Africa, Group Captain A.G. ‘Sailor” Malan would fight three battles in his life.
The first would end in victory against Germany in the skies over England and Europe. The second would end in defeat against South Africa's apartheid government. The third would end in death as Parkinson's Disease cut short a full, promising, yet humble life at the age of 52.
One of Sailor Malan's Ten Rules of Air Fighting was ‘to always turn and face the attack'. For him, this was not only true in a dogfight, it was true whenever injustice or adversity confronted you in life.
He would be denied a military funeral in his home country, be vilified by his own government for his opposition to them, and only be acknowledged in South Africa three decades after apartheid had come to an end and sixty years after his death.
Face the Attack: The Three Battles of Sailor Malan is available wherever you find your favourite podcasts.
​​Listen to the trailer:
Medals & Decorations
Military career, as per Malan's letter, dated 7 January 1960
Cadet on SATS General Botha: Jan 1924 to Jun 1926
Cadet in Union-Castle W. 55. Ger: Jan 1927 to March 1930
Officer in Union-Castle W. 55 Ger: May 1930 to Jan 1936
Sub-Lieutenant Royal Naval Reserve: Feb 1932 to Jan 1936
Commissioned RAF: Jan. 1936.
Bristol Flying School and No 3 FTS: Jan 1936 to Jan 1937
No 74 Fighter Squadron: Jan 1937
Commander "A. Flight”: April 1937 - June 1940
Promoted Sqn Ldr. Commanded Squadron: Jun 1940 – Jan 1941
Promoted Wing Cdr. Jan 1941 and led Biggin Hill Spitfire Wing Jan 1941 - Sep. 1941
Sep 1941 - March 1942 W/Cdr Flying No 53 OTU Heston, during which time
also visited USA and Canada on goodwill and lecturing tour
March 1942: formed Fighter Wing in Central Gunnery School for training pilots
in strategies on fighter gunnery
Jan 1943: Promoted Group Captain and commanded the Biggin Hill section until Jan 1944
Jan 1944: Forward fighter wing for European invasion
June 1944: Invaded Europe as OC 143 Fighter Bomber Wing in 2nd Tactical Air Force
Jan 1945 - June 1945: attended course at RAF Staff College
June 1945 - Jan 1946: served as director at RAF Staff College
Feb 1946: resigned from RAF and returned to S. Africa to join Anglo American Corporation
Approx dates of promotions:
Acting Pilot Officer from March 1936, Pilot Officer Jan 1937, Flying Officer April 1937, Flight Lieutenant April 1938, Sqdn Leader June 1940, W/Cdr Jan 1941, Group Captain Jan 1943
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
DFC with Bar
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
DSO with Bar
Star with Clasp for Battle of Britain
Air Crew Europe Star
Defence Medal
British War Medal with Oak Leaf
Croix de Guerre (Belgium)
War Cross (Czechoslovakia)
Croix de Guerre (France)
Legion of Honour (France - Officer)
The Malan Sword, presented to 74 Squadron in proud memory of Group Captain Adolph Gysbert “Sailor” Malan.
​Dr Lindie Koorts - Author of D.F Malan and the Rise of Afrikaner Nationalism. View here
The S.A.T.S General Botha Old Boys Association Bursary Fund
Dr Helen Doe - View here.
Bob Cossey books - goodreads
National Spitfire Project - National Spitfire Monument
South African Air Force Association
Parkinson's Disease South Africa
The creators of the podcast would like to thank the McGregor Museum for introducing us to Yvonne Malan, who not only allowed us to quote extensively from her Sailor Malan memorial lecture given in Kimberley and Simon’s town in 2023, but also introduced us to the majority of the participants for the one-on-one interviews in the podcast. Thank you to everyone who gave their time, insights and participation.
© 2024. Protea Rose Originals Inc.